Apricot Cream cheese Toast

‘Apricot toast on a bed of grass’

As the summer season comes to an end, the waves at our summer house start to get stronger with the breeze of a gentle autumn wind. The weather however, is still warm enough to enjoy breakfast outside and those little chills are warmed up by some piping hot espresso. One of my favorite spots at our summer house is in the empty woods in our garden where the hay is overgrown and wildflowers come and go as they please. Not only is it home to the most gorgeous porcini mushrooms, but it also inhabits so many birds that are a blessing to listen to. A collection of rocks and sand makes up the bordering of the water making it a cozy little spot to enjoy a picnic. This morning I gently caramelized halved apricots in honey, thyme and butter with a pinch of cardamum, maybe for about five minutes or so. I let them get a bit mushy and spread them on top of some toasted rustic sourdough bread that was smeared with cream cheese. To balance the sweetness, I squeezed a bit of lemon juice on top and added a few eatable flowers on top as we happen to have some growing on our porch. As our Bialetti espresso stove cooker came to a boil, I put everything into a little basket and headed out to enjoy these last warmer moments that will keep me going through out the darker autumn. Accompanied by Siena, we sat and listening to nature around us watching the waves crash against the lakes near us.


Citrus Pavlova & Apple Blossoms


Midsummer Treats